
my-PV Device Trio Enables 98% Self-Consumption of PV Energy

By integrating an AC ELWA 2 and two AC ELWA-E devices, a homeowner in Estonia achieved a remarkable self-consumption rate of 98% of PV energy.

Despite its northern location, the single-family house in southern Estonia, benefits from a surprising abundance of sunlight. With sunshine hours comparable to Central Europe, the demand for photovoltaic systems in Estonia is steadily increasing. After installing a PV system on the roof, the homeowner quickly realized that a significant portion of the generated energy was being fed into the public grid.

Feed-in tariffs in Estonia are extremely low, especially during the day and summer months when a lot of PV energy is fed into the grid. Consequently, the Estonian looked for ways to increase his self-consumption, especially during the day. The goal was to use the excess energy to heat the hot water storage, which serves as both a heating source for the house and for hot water production year-round.

In addition to the feed-in tariffs, the Estonian homeowner faced another challenge: optimizing consumption in a 3-phase network with only one phase is not advantageous for consumers in the Estonian power grid. The ingenious idea of the resourceful customer? Regulate each phase simultaneously and individually by using two AC ELWA-E and one AC ELWA 2.

The results are impressive: in April 2024, with the configuration of three single-phase my-PV devices, a PV self-consumption rate of an impressive 98% was achieved.


The installation of the device trio and the customer’s expectations for their new system are described in detail in the reference description.

Click here for the reference description

How exactly was the project implemented? Read the detailed project description for more information.

More information about the project

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