Kompatible Partner News

my-PV in the Australian Smart Energy Lab

Moderator Glen Morris interviewed Gerhard as well as the Australian business man and Vice President of Master-Plumbers, Norm Anderson of

Energy Smart Water


Almost everyone in the Australian PV industry knows Glen Morris, a proven expert in PV systems technology. With his Smart Energy Lab, he offers testing and field evaluation of PV and storage products and trains PV installers in practical courses. Previously, he was Vice President of the Australian Solar Council for eight years and an instructor for the Clean Energy Council.

In a relaxed atmosphere, the three experts chatted about applications, products and technical details of PV hot water. Using live sketches and practical examples, they explained the many advantages of using PV electricity for hot water production. Was this successful? See for yourself. Here you will find the

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WEBINAR with Energy Smart Water.

A partner webinar with Energy Smart Water will take place on October 1, 2020 from 8:00 am to 9:00 am.

Do you want to find out more about optimizing your self-consumption of photovoltaics? Then

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