210930 Erffnungsevent Fotografenbilder News

Successful opening ceremony

Our milestone in the company's history was of course celebrated extensively and appropriately! The unique solar-electric company building could be moved into and inaugurated after only seven months.

Our milestone in the company's history was of course celebrated extensively and appropriately! The unique solar-electric company building could be moved into and inaugurated after only seven months.

On September 30th, an evening event and lectures by our managing director Dr. Gerhard Rimpler ("The solar-electric vision"), Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Timo Leukefeld, book author and lecturer as well as "energy ambassador" ("Waste intelligently - for a new approach to energy. Energy self-sufficiency is fundamentally changing our society - towards a self-determined life and new types of business models") and a discussion round with Provincial Governor Dr. Manfred Haimbuchner, Environment Provincial Councillor Stefan Kaineder and Member of Parliament Christian Dörfel as well as over 100 guests.

A recording of this exciting evening including the interesting discussion with the Upper Austrian politicians can be found here (in German):

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Afterwards, there was of course still time to network and to let the evening fade away with regional delicacies. At a later hour there was also a proper party!

Open doors day

Also one day later, on the open day on October 1st, more than 200 people were on site to participate in exciting guided tours around the company and to get their own overview of the building. Starting with the heart of our building services in the entrance area and the controlled ventilation and air-conditioning technology on the upper floor, a brief look into the management office was also possible. In addition, a short detour in the production and then a round outside to get to know the facade integration of the photovoltaic modules incl. technical details.

In addition, there were three short impulse presentations by Dr. Gerhard Rimpler, Ing. Markus Gundendorfer and Ing. Reinhard Hofstätter on the following topics: Our vision, our company building and our products.

In addition, a lifting platform gave the opportunity to look over our roof with the approx. 200 photovoltaic modules and to see the Alps lying on the horizon - a wonderful view.

All in all, this was also a very successful day, where interested people from the (photovoltaic) industry, interested people from the region as well as friends and family of our employees could get a good insight into the future workplace of my-PV.

For more information about the building please click here.

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