Calculer facilement et rapidement les économies de coûts réalisées grâce au photovoltaïque
Dernières nouvelles
my-PV at ISH 2025: Experience the future of photovoltaic heat!
From March 17 to 21, the world’s leading trade fair for water, heating, and air conditioning will take place in Frankfurt.
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Offgridtec: New supplier for my-PV devices
We are pleased to announce that my-PV devices are now available in the online shop of Offgridtec.
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Using my-PV products with Zendure balcony power plants
No more giving away surplus electricity for free – use it for water heating instead!
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my-PV at KEY ENERGY 2025 in Italy
This year again, my-PV will be present at KEY ENERGY 2025 in Italy.
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New compatibility: my-PV and Forstner Speichertechnik
With the compatibility between my-PV and Forstner, more possibilities are opening up for efficient supply from photovoltaics.
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Solplanet and my-PV now compatible
At my-PV, we are committed to system openness – our compatibility with over 75 manufacturers is proof of that.
lire la suite...Contrôler et surveiller l'eau chaude et le chauffage
avec le my-PV Cloud
En plus de nos produits, avec notre nuage de données, vous pouvez toujours garder un œil sur votre production de chaleur. Le my-PV Cloud vous permet de suivre en temps réel votre production de chaleur écologique et économique.
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