Kompatible Partner News

New compatibility partner SOLARMAX

For more than 25 years, SOLARMAX has been producing and developing inverters for grid-connected photovoltaic systems and storage systems. In addition to holistic solutions, accessories for system monitoring and control are also offered.

The new compatibility with my-PV adds an exciting feature to these possibilities, which can also control excess management for space heating or hot water. The my-PV devices are controlled via the local network. Our products AC ELWA-E, AC•THOR and AC•THOR 9s compatible with SOLARMAX.

The connection is made via the setting "Modbus TCP" as control for our devices.

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La compatibilité avec Solarwatt est assurée !

Apprenez à connaître les avantages de la compatibilité de my-PV et Solarwatt dans le webinaire partenaire avec Solarwatt !

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