Single-family house Hudec
AC•THOR controls PV surplus
Faits sur le projet
- Owner
- PV system
- System / Mode
- Control type
Johannes Hudec is an energy pioneer in sustainability. In his home near Vienna, a large number of renewable energy systems have already been successfully implemented. Thanks to the AC•THOR Photovoltaic-Power-Manager from my-PV, Mr. Hudec was able to implement his latest goal of using the photovoltaic excess in his own house after the battery is fully charged. Instead of feeding the energy unprofitable into the public grid, the electric immersion heater in a 200 litre hot water tank is now precisely power-controlled by the AC•THOR according to the excess power. Thus the hot water is prepared for two people with clean PV yields. The information about the currently available power comes via the network from the Victron Color Control GX.
The AC•THOR receives the information of the surplus from the Victron Color Control GX by Modbus TCP via network. Control is possible with both single-phase and three-phase house connections.
Produktdetails AC THOR
0 – 3,000 W linear power control
Maintenance free by “Cables instead of pipes”
Flexible control by various inverters, battery systems and Smart-Homes
Simple installation, user-friendly
Mains connection single-phase, Mains plug
Connection for resistive loads with mains socket
Color Touch Screen 2.83“
Power cord 2.8 m
Dimensions 135 x 210 x 65 mm
Weitere Referenzprojekte
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La maison individuelle impressionne par sa construction écologique et sa technologie de chauffage innovante.
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