Single-family house in Australia – Yumul

ELWA for hot water

Faits sur le projet

Hot water boiler
IMG_8227 my-PV

Project description

Since July 2019, Christine Yumul and her family are saving 2,281 kWh of electricity per year, this equates to AU$659*/year (400 Euro) savings. 92% of the water in the tank is been heated by solar PV panels, which means that Christine only spends AU$59/year (36 Euro) on electricity for hot water! In addition, SC20 eliminates the need for plumbing, pumps, pipe heat losses and maintenance, as is the case of other solar thermal hot water systems. The solar irradiation of the site is comparable to that of southern Spain. Accordingly, the European version of the device named "ELWA" offers just as much potential on the old continent as SC20 in Australia. In Central Europe, solar coverage rates of 50 to 70% are possible for a four-person household.

Produktdetails ELWA

  • 0 – 2,000 W linear power control

  • Target temperature adjustable with rotary knob

  • Even works during grid blackouts

  • For water tanks with capacities of 100 – 1,000 litre

  • Internal consumption 2 W

  • Efficiency ratio >99 % at nominal capacity

  • Optional boost backup 750 W

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