Two-family house Coburger

ELWA to support hot water generation

Faits sur le projet

PV system
my-PV ELWA Referenz

Since 1 January 2018, ELWA has been supporting our existing gas heating system in a former village school with hot water preparation. In addition to the heat from the fossil burner, four adults and three children are now also supplied with CO2 free hot water. Via the heating elements of the device, the energy is directly injected into a 500 litre combi storage tank, the hot water content is 150 litres. Extra heat exchangers, pipes, pumps etc. are not necessary. In addition, the ELWA also eliminates the need for annual maintenance of the antifreezing-liquid, as is the case with solar thermal systems. The annual yield of approx. 1,700 kWh can be used 100% in the house itself and directly reduces the load on the gas heating system.

my-PV ELWA Referenz
my-PV ELWA Referenz
my-PV ELWA Referenz
my-PV ELWA Referenz

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