New distribution partner in Ireland: Rexel Energy Solutions
We are pleased to announce Rexel Energy Solutions Ireland as our latest sales partner in Ireland.
As one of Ireland's largest distributors in the photovoltaics and solar energy solutions sector, Rexel Energy Solutions Ireland is now one of my-PV's trusted suppliers. In Ireland, Rexel operates via their branch network of Kellihers Electrical and CT Electric, plus their Energy Solutions division specialises in solar electricity, electric vehicle charging, and cutting-edge energy solutions.
The Irish photovoltaic market is currently experiencing remarkable growth, with a 90% growth rate and a total PV capacity of 500 MW. We are happy to meet the resulting demand for photovoltaic power managers and to expand our presence in the international market.
It's worth noting that Rexel Energy Solutions has been a long-standing sales partner of my-PV in Germany and Austria. We look forward to a prosperous partnership with Rexel Energy Solutions Ireland as we continue to expand our presence in the international market.
Get an overview of the list of our global sales partners here.
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