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New Compatibility Partner: Fox ESS

Flexible communication is part of our company philosophy.

We are very pleased to be able to present a new partner with a renowned name. With Fox ESS we welcome a global player in the field of inverter and energy storage solutions as our new compatibility partner.

Fox ESS, as one of the leading inverter manufacturers is represented in North America, Europe, Asia and Australia and has specialized in the development and production of high-quality inverters that impress with their efficiency, reliability and innovative technology.

Both, our AC•THOR product range as well as the AC ELWA 2 are compatible with Fox ESS inverters.

A particular advantage of the compatibility for our customers is that the surplus power does not have to be assessed by the my-PV WiFi Meter. The currently available surplus of the PV system is determined by the feed meter at Fox ESS, and then used to optimize self-consumption for hot water preparation or room heating. In this way, customers save themselves an additional device for recording the PV surplus.

What is new is that, in addition to the AC•THOR, the AC ELWA 2 can also be used via the RS485 connection method, which was not yet possible with the AC ELWA-E.

We will introduce you to further advantages in the joint webinar with Fox ESS on October 19 at 4:00 p.m. Sounds interesting? Click here to register for the free partner webinar.

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