1 Million YT NEWS

1 million views on YouTube!

7 years ago, on August 30, 2015, we uploaded the very first video on our YouTube channel, an instruction guide on how to assemble the first my-PV product, ELWA .

Since then, our YouTube channel has grown steadily, in the number of videos and of course in the number of subscribers that follow our videos. Some videos even went viral, such as our most-clicked video, the brief presentation of the my-PV Power-Coach, with more than 150,000 views.

In the meantime, not only product presentations and practical tips for our products can be found on the my-PV channel, but also a broad range of different videos.

For example, we like to get the my-PV team

in front of the camera to give an insight into everyday work in the various areas at my-PV. We were also allowed to film and present projects in which our products are used successfully at our customers' homes.

Videos of events such as trade fairs, live events and of course our webinars can all be accessed afterwards on our YouTube channel.

In our brand new series, the expert talk, we invite industry experts to a discussion on the red couch in our solar-electric company building.

As you can see, the creative minds at my-PV try very hard to provide our viewers with varied and – especially regarding our devices – helpful content.

We are therefore all the more pleased that our viewers like our videos that much!

We also have a broad range of English videos on our YouTube Channel for our international audience, as well as webinars in English, Spanish, Czech and Hungarian language.

Sounds exciting? Have a look at our videos and subscribe to our channel so you won't miss any new videos in the future!

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