
Where is the Device Key for my AC•THOR / AC•THOR 9s?

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Since my-PV devices became cloud-capable, the Device Key for integration into the previous data cloud live.my-pv.com has always been included in the assembly manual of AC•THOR and AC•THOR 9s.

However, since the end of 2023, this is no longer the case. So where can you find the Device Key now?

Solution: You can now find the serial number and the Device Key on the display under Settings >> Cloud Connection.

With the release of AC•THOR firmware version a0021200, my-PV has thus also aligned the handling for AC ELWA 2 in this regard. With the update, the Device Key is now accessible on the device display, not only for the AC ELWA 2 but also for the AC•THOR and AC•THOR 9s. This standardization aims to simplify the overview of our individual solutions with a consistent standard and prevent the Device Key from being lost on the construction site.

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