my-PV products available without delivery time
The expansion of personnel and of our warehouse and production facilities have resulted in our devices being available again in wholesale.
Numerous measures have been put in motion in recent months to meet the sudden surge in demand – starting from early 2022. Alongside many positions being advertised and filled in various areas (technology, administration, manufacturing, and development), the expansion of our production has been progressing steadily.
Here are some milestones listed:
In June 2023, we were able to announce the tripling of our production area – shortly before, the ramp-up of the AC ELWA 2 had also contributed to processing larger quantities.
In September 2023, the next milestone was achieved: compared to 3.5 years ago, production quantities had increased twentyfold!
By February 2024, we announced the expansion of our warehouse – making our processes even more efficient.
Our products are available again!
These milestones illustrate our efforts to manage delivery times in the interest of high customer satisfaction. Through a great internal effort, supported by the entire my-PV team, we are pleased to announce that our solar-electric solutions are once again freely available at some wholesalers.
For new orders placed directly by retailers or wholesalers with us, as of the end of April 2024, delivery times are two to three weeks for AC ELWA 2 and AC•THOR or AC•THOR 9s.
Buy my-PV products
at our suppliers
my-PV products help you to use your self-generated photovoltaic power for your own needs without any detours. You can find the right source of supply here:
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