Velog News

Climate and energy fund with million budget

The budget for the Climate and Energy Fund was increased by almost 60 percent to 158 million euros. This fund - the highest in the fund's history - is to be used to promote the expansion of renewable energy and the implementation of environmentally friendly mobility.

Of course, photovoltaics will also benefit from these new financial opportunities, especially since the direct funding pot was increased from 7.7 million euros in the previous year to 13.7 million euros. Since the beginning of the week, applications for subsidies for PV systems in the private sector and in agriculture and forestry can here be submitted. In total, up to 69,000 new PV plants are to be built in Austria thanks to the new financial possibilities. For PV expert Dr. Gerhard Rimpler, this is a long overdue first step: "If we want to achieve the defined climate targets, more investment in photovoltaics is needed. We still have an enormous amount of catching up to do here."

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