Velog News

Great award for my-PV

"Innovations for the energy system of the 21st century - shaping change for Austria and Europe" - this was the title of the fourth Austrian Energy Trend Forum. In her statement, Minister Maria Patek, who is responsible for energy, emphasised how important and necessary innovations in the energy sector are. She left no doubt that neither the Austrian nor the European climate targets could be achieved with the technologies now available. In addition to targeted research in this area, innovative companies are of course also needed.

The photovoltaic pioneers of my-PV received a special honour at this top-class event. As one of three companies, the Upper Austrian PV professionals were able to present their projects to a proven expert audience. "Although we are not a start-up company, my-PV was offered this unique opportunity because we are perceived as an innovation driver in the industry," says Managing Director Markus Gundendorfer, pleased with the numerous positive responses to his presentation.

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