Velog News

Creative trends in the solar industry

Here are the

latest trends

in the solar industry:

Trends in the consumer sector are attracting a lot of attention, such as the portable solar socket with which you can charge your mobile phone or tablet via the sun while on the move. Several start-ups are dedicated to the development of such gadgets, but they still need to be optimized in terms of charging time.

The focus of creative ideas is also on photovoltaic applications for buildings. While mini solar systems are already finding their way onto balconies, the façade made of solar cells is still a vision of the future, as the researchers have not yet found a satisfactory solution for the low yield due to the vertical position to the sun. The solar window, on the other hand, has great potential. The challenge here is that transparent solar cells can hardly generate any energy. However, research is intensively dealing with this problem and is gradually producing new developments.

And the car also serves as an energy supplier - a PV system on the roof of the car makes it possible. Some models, such as the Toyota Prius, are already available with a solar roof. The problem is that the energy is only produced when the car is stationary, but is lost when driving. But photovoltaics also has potential in another area of traffic: on the road. Short pilot routes with solar modules built into the asphalt already exist around the globe.

Source: Handelsblatt

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